Jenn Jager Hub

Software video tutorials, video tricks, and more!

How to Become an Influencer
How To Become An Influencer

So you want to become an influencer? Sounds awesome and glamorous but what does that actually take? Today, we’ve got seven steps to achieving influencer status.

Affiliate Content and Marketing vs Sponsorship
Sponsored Videos VS Affiliate Marketing

If you’re trying to generate income through your YouTube channel, is it better to do sponsorship content or affiliate marketing links? What’s the difference?

How to turn YouTube into Business
How To Turn YouTube Into A Business

Today I’m going to let you in on how to make your YouTube channel into a business. I use in my video production company and apply them to my YouTube channel.

Create Studio Review Jenn Jager
Create Studio Review

Today we’re checking out and doing a review of Create Studio. This is a platform that does 3D and 2D animation. It has lots of characters and scenes.

Thumbnail for Video about Blurred Background
How to Get a Blurred Background in Your Video

Do you want to know how to that blurred background, or depth of field, in your video? Find out how to shoot videos with blurred out backgrounds.

Thumbnail from JennJager YouTube Page 4000 Watch Hours
How To Reach 4000 Watch Hours on YouTube

We have a subscriber question today: How do I reach the 4,000 watch hours requirement to be monetized on YouTube faster and more efficiently?

Video Tools You Need To Create Great Video

In this post, I’m talking all about video tools for your production to create great video content. I’m going to lay out the gear I think you need.

Thumbnail JennJager YouTube Channel
How To Optimize YouTube Videos on Mobile

I’m going to show you how to optimize your YouTube videos on your mobile phone. This is important so people can find your content on YouTube.

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